Notes on the inspection of South Polar Times Vol 3 originals at the British Library, September 1999.

"Deposited (except for 51042) on indefinite loan by Lady Scott in 1914 and presented (except for 51042, which was presented by Herbert George Ponting, Esq.) by Capt ScottŐs son, Sir Peter Markham Scott, C.B.E., D.S.C. nineteen volumes. Octavo and quarto."
[I'm not certain now where this appears but I believe in the computer catalogue in the MS room at the British Library. In any event I transcribed this from some source at the British Library. – Robert Stephenson]
There are three separately bound original volumes of SPT3 at the British Library. These three volumes together resulted in the published version of SPT3, i.e. the three were combined together to yield Vol 3.
The volumes are catalogued as "B.M. Add. Mss. 51039, 51040 and 51041."
All three are similar (but not identical) in binding: Venesta wood boards with Weddell seal skin applied.

No 51039. Part I of the published Volume 3

Top cover is seal skin bound with vertical rectangle of exposed venesta board in center in which is carved in relief "SPT" in interlocking letters (a different design from other volumes). Back cover and inner covers are same as above but center wood panel undecorated.
Size of binding: 9 x 11-3/4 inches.
Thickness: ?
Leaf size: 8 x 10 inches.
Number of folios: 51
Marbled free endpapers (no pastedowns).
Leaves are attached in a similar way to Vol IV, i.e. typed sheets pasted to stubs.

No 51040. Part II of the published Volume 3 - Sept 1911

Top cover is seal skin bound with oval centered area of exposed venesta board on which is applied "SPT" in wood interlocking letters (a different design from other volumes). Back cover is same but with no design added.
Size of binding: 9-1/8 x 11-3/4 inches.
Thickness: 1-1/2 inches.
Leaf size: 8 x 10 inches.
Number of folios: 56
Marbled free endpapers (no pastedowns).
Handwritten pencil note added to verso of page before page 54 that reads:
"Please omit words | "has seen service" | in reproducing | Editor
Tissue guard of "Cape Bird & Erebus" etc., is typed in red.
Tissue guard of "Surf at Cape Evans" etc., is typed in blue.
Leaves are attached in a similar way to Vol IV, i.e. typed sheets pasted to stubs.

No 51041. Part III of the published Volume 3 - Oct 1911

Top cover is 3/4 bound (i.e. spine and corner diagonals) in seal skin with exposed beveled varnished venesta board with "SPT" in interlocking letters (a different design from other volumes) and two carved flying petrels by (assumed) Edward Wilson. SPT initials and petrels cut out of the base wood with what appears to be wood inlays of a different colored wood forming the design. Back and inner covers are as above but with no decoration.
Size of binding: 9-1/8 x 11 inches.
Thickness: 1-1/4 inches.
Leaf size: 8 x 10 inches.
Number of folios: 50
Marbled free endpapers (no pastedowns).
Leaves are attached in a similar way to Vol IV, i.e. typed sheets pasted to stubs.